Comments for sustain - Yamaha YPT-400

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Oct 18, 2023
You Do Not Need a Pedal NEW
by: Anonymous

The 2 knobs A&B you can adjust the attack and the release use the butto to the left of the 2 knob and select option 3 and then you will be able to adjust the attack and or release options

Nov 21, 2014
sustain not working
by: Anonymous

I have tried 2 different pedals. ...they aren't working. The first pedal i have been using for over 4yrs which worked. Suddenly sustain doesn't work. I thought is the pedal. But i bought another one. Still doesn't work. But if i reverse the polarity on the pedal ur sustains all i play even if pedal is not pressed. ....what to do.

Jul 22, 2010
Sustain w/o Pedal YPT 400
by: Alfred

Dear Matthew: I have this unit and can tell you that it needs a Pedal for the Sustain feature. You must have noticed there is a Jack for it in the rear panel. Yamaha recommends their Sustain Pedals FC 4 or FC 5. Fiddling with the real time knobs may give some illusion of sustain but I doubt it. Hope this helps. Thanks for visit and come back often with comments/questions. Good luck.

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