Sustain pedal on the Yamaha S08

I recently purchased a yamaha S08, but can get the sustain to work. Could I possibly be using the wrong pedal?

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Nov 09, 2022
YAMAHA S08 - sustain pedal not working NEW
by: Anonymous

I have the Yamaha S08 synthesizer and bought a proline universal piano style sustain pedal and it's not working! Anyone knows who to fix this?

Mar 11, 2019
Sustain pedal not working at all
by: Dave.

Did anybody got any awnser about thesustain pedal not working at all for the s08? I have that problem and I try everithing, I don't know if send it out for repair or is a setting problem. Thanks

Mar 27, 2012
Sustain pedal
by: Edwin

When I plug my sustain pedal to the piano, my piano sustains without me having to press the pedal. I hit the pedal an but it doesn't do anything. Is there a configuration in the piano that I must set to have it work properly?

Nov 10, 2010
by: Anonymous

I did. On my sustain pedal I found a little switch that had to be turned of. That did it.



Nov 06, 2010
S08 Sustain Pedal
by: Anonymous

Sometimes it's a polarity issue. If one turns on the keyboard while holding your foot is holding the pedal down; this can cause the keyboard to swith polairity. The answer is to turn it off while holing the pedal down and vice versa. I do this all time to myself. Hope this helps.

May 24, 2010
volume pedal
by: Anonymous

The volume pedal on my SO8 only sustains. I have to unplug the volume pedal to silence the note. What's wrong?????

Sep 10, 2009
s08 foot pedal
by: Anonymous

Plug your pedal into the jack labelled "foot switch", not " foot controller" otherwise, I'd say you've got the wrong pedal.
Hideous Pink

Jul 11, 2009
problema com mi yamaha s08
by: Anonymous

amigos musicos talves me puedan ayudar con mi problema, lo que pasa es que mi teclado siempre se desabilita la funcion de pedal de mi yamaha s08 lo he llevado dos veces a arreglar y siempre an sido problemas de configuracion y siempre me pasa lo mismo talves alguien me puede decir como hago para configurarlo yo mismo me pueden decir que opcion es para habilitar el pedal por favor. agradeceria sus respuestas. que dios los bendiga y gracias.

Nov 10, 2008
Problem fixed
by: Mads

Hi, I found out. Apparently different keyboards use different sustain pedals. Therefore many never pedals can have a little switch. I solved the problem using this little switch. If your pedal don't have such a switch buy a new cheap one that does


Nov 07, 2008
check settings:
by: ACW

You have to make sure the function for that jack is set to sustain. Check your manual - I remember when I got mine it wasn't set to sustain as the default.

Oct 30, 2008
Same problem
by: Mads

So am I. Did any of you find a solution?


Sep 07, 2008
Yamaha S08 Sustain Pedal
by: Gerald

I am having the same problem with my S08. The sustain pedal doesn't work. I have used two different pedals with the same results. Is anyone out there who has found a solution?

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