Sticking key - D octave above middle C

by Kevin Tayler
(Horsham, UK)

My Yamaha P80 keyboard has given good service for many years but recently I have had problems with a sticking key (D an octave above middle C). The key either returns slowly or does not return once pressed (normally the former but the latter after it has been pressed a few times). What are the options for dealing with this problem?

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Oct 27, 2009
Sticking key
by: Dick Rector

Congratulations Kevin!

No doubt this is the best solution.
Yamaha (and/or your local dealer) has been VERY generous with this offer.
Big round of applause for this great (long) aftersales service.

Good luck and happy playing when it is repaired.

Oct 27, 2009
Sticking Key
by: Alfred

Dear Kevin: Thank you for follow-up note, and congrats on Yamaha's positive action. Keep well.

Oct 27, 2009
Yamaha are replacing keyboard
by: Kevin Tayler

I am now back in the UK and contacted Yamaha when I got back. It appears that the sticking key problem is common on the P80 or at least on some of them and Yamaha have said that they will replace the whole 88 key set for free. So, it seems that the problem is solved as soon as the replacement arrives from Japan.

Sep 28, 2009
Response from Kevin
by: Kevin Tayler

Thanks for everyone's suggestions _ I will respond once I get back to England in about 3 weeks time and have time to try out the various methods

Sep 28, 2009
Sticking Key
by: Alfred

Dear Kevin: I'd forgotten Dick's comment about using talcum. I'm aware it does work, from a previous comment he made for the same problem. Talcum acts as a "dry lubricant". You might also try working the two immediately-adjacent keys to the sticky one, manipulating them gently with two hands (up and down) to see if there is any improvement. Finally, slip a credit or business card in the narrow spaces alonside the offending key to attempt dislodging any stubborn impedence.
Remember, please post a follow-up comment if our suggestions are successful. Thanks.

Sep 26, 2009
Sticking key
by: Dick Rector

Hi Kevin,

Not an official Yamaha method but I had in de past a positive result with a tiny little bit of talcum powder (foot- or baby powder)as a lubricant and blown next and under the bandit key.
You can try it after you followed Alfreds good advice. And indeed NEVER but NEVER oil or WD40 or anything the like, that will dissolve plastics and makes the problem only bigger.
Let us know the result please.

Dick Rector

Sep 26, 2009
Sticking Key
by: Alfred

Dear Kevin: Thanks for info. When you get back, buy a can of compressed air and repeat the treatment. If you are not in the habit of covering your keyboard, I wsould suggest you use any piece of cloth to protect it and prevent any further entry of undesirable invaders. Keep me posted as to the results. It may be that even with the "temporary" improvement through vacuuming you dislodged some accumulation of dirt.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Sep 26, 2009
Immediate response to Alfred's suggestion
by: Kevin Tayler

Thanks Alfred. I am going to be away from home for three weeks from Monday morning so won't be able to try the air pressure idea but will try it when I get back. Using a vacuum cleaner suction on the key seems to help a little but the impact seems to be relatively short lived.


Sep 26, 2009
Sticking Key
by: Alfred

Dear Kevin: One possibility is accumulation of dust or obstruction at the mooring point of that key. Try blowing a few squirts of compressed air (sold in cans) around the perimeter of the key in question, while pressing it for easier access into the narrow spaces. You might also try a strong vacuuming over the area after the air cleaning.
Above all, do not try oil or any other lubricant.
If my suggestions work, please post a follow-up comment so other participants of this forum can learn from your experience. Thank you and good luck.

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