Replacing contacts on Yamaha PSR 85

by Pat

My brother, who is very ill and currently in a nursing home has a Yamaha PSR 85 keyboard that needs a contact replaced, as one key will not play. We have no one around here to work on them except the guy who has done the job before, and I can't find him. My husband is good at fixing things but is afraid of breaking something on this. He took the cover off and found it difficult to access the contacts. Can anyone tell me how to get to the contacts? Also, where can we buy some? My brother has some, but doesn't know where to get more. It would be worth a lot to my brother to get it fixed. Thanks for any help you can give us.

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Nov 14, 2010
contact pads??
by: Dick Rector

Hi Pat,

I am not familiar with the PSR 85 at all but there is a very good instruction how to change the contact-strips, with pictures! for the model PSR 3000 on PSRTUTORIAL.COM
Look under de model PSR 3000 in the forum-section.
I do realize this is a different model but the contactstrips etc. inside are almost always the same or similar and most of the 'cosmetic' differences are on the outside of a keyboard.
At least your husband will get an idea what he has to tackle.
I am FAR away (Indonesia) so I haven't a clue where you can get spares. SOMETIMES it helps when you move the contactstrips around as they are all the same. For example, move the suspected one to the highest octave (the least used in most cases).
It is also a good idea to clean VERY carefully the contacts with cleaning alcohol as particles of dust and carbon can be the source of the problem.
Hope the best for your brother and I hope this helped you bit.


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