Problem Connecting Yamaha EZ 200 to Tablet

by Martin Doyle

I was given a Huawei Tablet as a present. Managed to load the ‘SmartPianist’ app onto it. Now I find I can’t connect the tablet to my Yamaha EZ 200. I have a standard USB cable for a computer, two in fact, but as you can see they won’t connect to my Tablet because the computer end is too big. Was thinking of going through my Laptop, Yamaha to Laptop to Huawei. Would that work?

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Nov 16, 2018
Yamaha ez220 Bluetooth is not very good
by: Martin Doyle

I have been trying for weeks to get the right connection for my Yamaha Ez220. Pc World don't sell them, music shops in Truro don't sell them. Amazon have something called a UD-WL01. BUT THAT IS NO GOOD, WHY? Because it doesn't have the right end to plug into the keyboard or my tablet. All I want to do is make a wireless connection from keyboard to tablet, but can't. What is Yamaha going to do about this predicament that other Ez220 owners are faced with???

Nov 10, 2018
No such luck
by: Martin Doyle

Just tried that, and it didn’t work.
No need to post any comments on that idea.

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