press white key and both white and black key play

by Homer Smith
(Colorado Springs Co USA)

When I press a white key the corresponding black key plays with the white key. I did the crtl + Delete reset and it still acts up? Any suggestions?

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Jan 28, 2010
Sticking keys
by: Dick Rector

Hello Homer,

Follow Alfreds good advice first, 9 out of 10 it is dust, dirt or a foreign object. But if you still have two keys sounding at the same time it is very well possible the rubber 'contact'-keypad underneath is broken.
Not a DIY job to replace if you are not skilled.
Give feedback please and if you have other questions it is handy to know what keyboard we are talking about.


Jan 28, 2010
Simultaneous White & Black Key Action
by: Alfred

Dear Homer: Does pressing the White key PHYSICALLY
cause the Black key to move with it? If so, it's an indication that there is an obstruction between the keys and you should try to slip a credit card between the offending keys to gently dislodge whatever may be there. Follow with a blast of compressed air (from a can), and a strong vacuuming; then apply a MODERATE amount of talcum powder with a dry small paint brush along the sides of the keys. If my suggestions work,be sure to always keep your keyboard covered when not in use. Come back to this Forum if you need further help. Your questions and/or comments will be appreciated.

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