Out of tune Yamaha e403

by Wheng

My keyboard, a Yamaha e403, unexpectedly became out of tune and on some occasions, touch response is not working. My pitch bend is not working properly and my notes, though it is in standard tone, may sound as if I am transposed 2 notes higher or 2 notes lower than its original tone. I hope I could get an answer or some quick guides.

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Jun 25, 2011
by: Ammar

i dont have any tone in both A and C# note in all the 5 octaves. . .how can i solve it???

Dec 27, 2009
Thank You!
by: Anonymous

One key was playing the wrong note - turns out my son had been playing with the pitch bend wheel ... thanks for the tip! All fixed now.

Dec 23, 2009
Yamaha PSR E 403
by: Alfred

Dear Wheng: Dick Rector may have forgotten that I have this same keyboard. His suggestion (as usual) was 100% on target, and seems to have corrected your problem.
Just as a precaution, Initialize your keyboard to "Factory" condition to make sure the Transpose and Touch Response features are erased. Additionally, keep your keyboard covered when not in use.

Dec 22, 2009
Out of tune latest update
by: Wheng

Hi guys...

I tried opening my keyboard with a specialist to see if my pitch bend has a problem. He tried to cleaned it since it is really dusty since I haven't opened my keyboard for a year since it is bought. The keyboard is fine now, i think, although the first 3 hours was kinda disturbing since my keyboard sounded a fret higher during that time. After some few hours it came back to normal. I hope that fixed the problem. If the problem comes back I'll let you know.

Dec 22, 2009
Pitch bend wheel
by: Dick Rector

Hello Wheng,

Almost sure the problem is the pitch bend wheel.
Keyboards can NOT get out of tune as such as they are digital.
The pitch bend wheel can collect some dirt in time or the spring mechanism is malfunction. If it does not come back in its normal position, (notch in the middle upright) try to get a can of AIRspray and blow the dust away. Or the keyboard has to be openened to be able to have a closer look.
DON'T do that yourself if you are not trained in this!
Some members on this forum had the same problem and it is almost always some dirt or a foreign object that blocks the free movement of the wheel.

Hope this works for you.
Leave us some feedback please.

Dick Rector
Bali (Indonesia)

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