No sound from Yamaha Clavinova CLP-150

by Jørgen


I have a Clavinova CLP-150. Lately I've been playing around with some MIDI-stuff, connecting my Clavinova to my PC and playing around. It works fine with the computer, and I can easily record stuff etc. When I do this, the sound comes out of the computer-speakers. When I just won't to play piano with just my Clavinova, no computer or midi stuff, it doesn't work. No sound comes out of the speakers when I try to play. I've tried to reset it multiple times, but it still doesn't work.

What to do?

Sorry 'bout my bad English

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Jun 28, 2023
is a clp 153s that is 30 years old, too old
by: dennis

I'm concerned if parts are still available if the piano fails...
I'm buying the piano and I know the clp 153s is old, but it supposedly still plays, and in excellent condition... but you never know for sure with something that old..
Are parts still available to rebuild it ?

thanks in advance

Jun 20, 2010
No sound from speakers
by: Dick Rector

Hi Jorgen,

A mistake we all make!!!
Another possibility could have been: while playing around with connections to PC etc. that the internal 'clock' in the KBoard was changed. The setting should be 'local' when you only play the KBoard. Maybe for the future if you are running into trouble again and it isn't the headphone.
Free to download utility-software, styles, voices, multipads and midi's you can find by the TONS on and


Jun 20, 2010
Dead Yamaha Clp 150
by: Alfred

Dear Jergen: Great! Just remember for the future that use of Headphones automatically cuts off the sound from your unit's built-in speakers. As to free software, try the Internet. Just be careful not to download anything which may be suspicious and contain a virus. Good luck, enjoy your unit and come back soon if you wish to leave any comment/question.

Jun 20, 2010
by: Jørgen

Hey Alfred!

Figured it out. Pulled out my headphones, hehe... Btw, are there any free software to access the MIDI-files on my Clavinova from my computer.


Jun 20, 2010
Dead CLP 150
by: Alfred

Dear Jergen: If you've recently been using Light weight Headphones, check to see if you've inadvertently left the adaptor plug in the jack. If you did, remove it for the sound to return Hope this helps. PS your English is great. Use "want" instead of wont, that's all! Keep well and thank you for visiting this Forum.

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