Music Holder for Clavinova CLP-300

by Jean
(Portola Valley CA, USA)

Does anyone have a spare or unused music holder (clips to top of keyboard)for a Yamaha Clavinova CLP-300 or related model. It is a plexi-glass type material with two short metal rods that slip into holes on the top of the keyboard. My son's musician friends lost it during one of their gigs, and I have not been able to get a replacement. Yamaha does not make them available any more. Will pay reasonable amount for stand and shipping.


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Oct 25, 2012
Music holder yet ?
by: Ted

Have just sold my CLP300 when I come up with the price I want and a music holder. How much would any of you feel is a fair used price .The bench and piano are in perfect condition.
Heres a rough idea for a music holder We can make. A piece of 3/8 black plexi 24inches long x whatever height one wantsrounded off at two top corner. A 'tray' piece epoxyed across the bottom to set music on.. Two 13/64 holes drilled up into the bottom edge 21-1/4 inches apart. Insert 13/64 pins into the holes in the piano, (maybe copper welding rod) bend to desired angle and slip the piece of plexi over the pins. Something along those lines streamlined as one thinks on it ;-)

Nov 28, 2009
Study stand works for music holder
by: Jean

This is my second attempt to give you the location for the wire book stand that works quite well as a music holder. The stand can be bought from or just do a search for Fellowes and the product on their site is Study Stand
CRC: 10024. It is worth checking out.

Nov 28, 2009
URL for stand
by: Anonymous

The URL for the place for the wire book stand didn't copy to my previous message. Go to or just search for Fellowes. The stand is listed as Study Stand CRC: 10024.
Hope this works.

Nov 27, 2009
Substitute for Yamaha music holder
by: Anonymous

Hi, Cindy--
I have not yet found a music holder for my CLP-300. The one suggested obtainable from is only for the CP-33 and the CP-300. I think it will only be by pure chance that either of us will ever find one. What I am using currently is a wire book stand from

It retails for $5.69 plus shipping and works just fine.
Good luck,

Nov 27, 2009
Yamaha music rest
by: Anonymous

Hi, Jeff--
Thank you for the suggestion, and I did contact The rest they have is an accessory for the CP33 and the CP300 only. :-(
However, they are very nice to deal with and even took the trouble to call Yamaha to double check on which model keyboards it would fit. As you know, mine is a CLP-300.
Thanks again, Jean

Nov 23, 2009
found... maybe
by: Jeff

Check and search for "yamaha music rest". this should be what you are looking for.

Aug 26, 2008
Music holder for Clavinova CLP-300
by: Cindy

Was wondering if you were able to find a spare music holder for your clavinova because I am also looking for one for my CLP-300.

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