Motif ES8 Sustain Pedal Problem

by Rafael


I just bought a Motif ES8 and i'm having trouble with the sustian pedal. When i play the keyboard the sound sustains forever, and when i press the pedal it cuts off. I have a backwords function going on, the thing is i looked in the system everywhere and i cannot see what is wrong. I tried most hints people told me like turning if on with my foot off the pedal, and plugging it in before turning it on. But none of that worked. Can i please have some help.

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May 26, 2023
Sustain problems NEW
by: Anonymous

Does the Yamaha FC3A work or its only the FC4A

Oct 15, 2021
Motif ES8 Back in Business!
by: Lisa A

A few years ago the sustain pedal I was using with my Motif ES8 just stopped working properly. I actually thought I had messed up the jack somehow so I was just beside myself. The pedal would no longer sustain and even switching the polarity failed to do anything. Another pedal I had worked in reverse. I searched online reading similar complaints. I FINALLY came back here and read someone's post about using the Yamaha FC4A which I originally had but it broke so I plugged something else in and it worked fine for years until about 3 years ago. Well, folks, I ordered the FC4A for $28 on Amazon last night, just received it today, plugged her in and O M G!!!! We're back!! THANK YOU to those who posted about this. If all else fails, just go back to the OEM part! Happy playing once again!!! Woo hoo!!

Feb 27, 2018

After reviewing all of the comments on the sustain pedal problem I am going to try plugging it in before turning the
board on. Hopefully it will be the miracle cure. As expensive as the ES-8 is, it is just not right that this
sustain issue is going on in the first place.
Great board though!!

Dec 06, 2017
Dont do it.
by: Anonymous

Don't not attempt to change the way the wires connect. It is a waste of time, and has nothing to do with the physical function of the switch.

Jul 28, 2017
Sustain not working
by: Anonymous

I have a Motif 8. I have tried two different pedals and still no luck. Right now I'm trying to use the FC4A and instead of sustaining it makes a crazy noise while I'm playing my chords and pressing the pedal.

Jun 12, 2017
Yamaha Motif ES8
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem with my Yamaha motif ES eight. The sustain pedal which is in the FP1/25 has a polarity switch On the bottom. Switched it over and everything was back to normal. Hope this helps anyone

Mar 30, 2013
VFP1 sustain pedal quit working
by: Anonymous

I have a Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-500 that I bought in 2002. I don't use it all the time, my grandaughter comes over every now and then and plays on it. Today the sustain pedal doesn't work. There's no polarity switch on it. The Yamaha manual says "do not press the footswitch while turning the power on. Doing this changes the recognized polarity of the footswitch, resulting in reversed footswitch operation." I haven't done this but maybe the grandaughter did. Not sure. Can this be reversed again doing the same thing? I have a regular footswitch FC4 or FC5, I put it somewhere and haven't seen it in years. Anyone have any updated ideas? I hate to toss out my piano, I haven't learned how to play it yet.

Mar 04, 2011
Yamaha Sustain Pedal
by: Anonymous

Look inside your Yamaha pedal and you will see it is a simple closed circuit that opens when the pedal is pressed. My pedal came with a DX7(1985) so I'm not sure Yamaha still uses that type circuit. Unless I can replace the switch with a normally open one that fits, which would be simple and cheap if you could find it, I will probably buy another one for my Casio. I am told an M-Audio SP-2 is a good pedal and it is reasonable at less than $20.

Mar 01, 2011
fix to constant sustain
by: Anonymous

pluggin it in when it is off fixed the problem for me! thanks guys!

Dec 26, 2010
Yamaha sustain problems
by: Derrick

I have the same problem as everyone else. Did Yamaha ever have a Motif ES 8 & SX90 RECALL regarding the sustain problem? I have no more patience for this madness.

Dec 26, 2010
Yamaha sustain problems
by: Derrick

I have the same problem as everyone else. Did Yamaha ever have a Motif ES 8 & SX90 RECALL regarding the sustain problem? I have no more patience for this madness.

Dec 06, 2010
Sustain Pedal problem
by: Anonymous

Bought a used Ensoniqu MR 76, plugged my old sustain pedal from another keyboard into it. It doesn't sustain when depressed but it sustains when I release the pedal. It's working backwords to the way it should. Same issues as listed above but an older keyboard model, not Yamaha though.

Aug 28, 2010
Motif ES8 Sustain Pedal Problem
by: Anonymous

Had the exact same issue. I got the FC4 from the music store and problem solved.

I don't know why the other pedal worked for long period of time and then stopped. I got M Gear cost about 35-40 bucks.

Aug 27, 2010
Sustain pedal stopped working
by: Andrew

Like a few who wrote comments above, my sustain pedal has stopped working on my Yahama Motif 8. The pedal is a VFP1 and if it's connected when the keyboard is off, it does absolutely nothing when the keyboard is turned on. If I unplug the pedal while the keyboard is on and plug it back in, it is always in sustain mode.

I called Yamaha and they didn't mention anything about a known defect. I was going to try a new pedal but, based on what others have said in their experience, it seems like it will still have the same problem. Is there any good way to fix this? I have a feeling it would be very expensive to get the board replaced. I would love to find the answer to this soon because I don't even play the keyboard anymore because I can't use the pedal.

Aug 17, 2010
Sustain Pedal Quit Working
by: Anonymous

I have had a Motif ES8 for several years now. Bought new. Treated with EXTREME gentility. Suddenly, the sustain pedal stopped working. Hoping it was the pedal, I bought a new one, sold specifically for use with the Motif ES8. Nope. Still not working. Does Yamaha have a KNOWN DEFECT? Is there a fix that does not involve paying Yamaha to repair their defect?

Mar 19, 2010
Sustain Pedal Problem
by: Motif8ted 1

Does anyone know if this is an internal problem? I have had my Motif ES8 since '02 and have never had any problems until now. Suddenly within the last couple of months, I have lost the sustain function. I own 2 Yamaha FC3 sustain pedals. (One pedal has the reverse polarity switch.) However, neither pedal will work (even when reseting the switch). I'm wondering if there us a problem within the board itself. Anyone else discovering similar problems???

Feb 07, 2010
Sustain Pedal stuck or no Sustain at all
by: Anonymous

I am using VFP1. It was working fine and suddenly it stops working. Did anyone fine a solution.

My Symptoms are either:
1. Press sustain and it never gets release
2. or sustain at all, even when the pedal is depressed.

Please help! Thanks.

Dec 11, 2009
Motif es8 Sustain problem
by: Anonymous

I was just working a concert with a Yamaha Motif ES8 and the sustain stopped working all together. Some Sustain pedals have a switch on them to reverse the polarity so whether your in a Korg Triton or the Motif, flip the switch and your good to go. However, this was no help for me and for some reason even after doing a factory reset on the Motif, still zero sustain. Any Ideas anyone?

Jun 25, 2008
Sustain reversed
by: Anonymous

In terms of the sustain peddle always sustaining, then not sustaining when you press it, often this happens when you insert the peddle after you turn on the keyboard... at least this is how it worked for me.

So, make sure its plugged in before you use the keyboard =) i use a DGX620 Yamaha and this happened when i first tried the keyboard.

Nov 28, 2007
Sustain Pedal
by: Anonymous

Hey Rafael,

I have the same problem and have gone as far as purchasing another pedal. I think this is a known bug by Yahama. What has worked for me, it rotating the plug in the back of the keyboard. You will be able to test whether the sustain stops by pressing the pedal/releasing it after pressing a key.....Hopes this works for you too.

Nov 14, 2007
Solving Yamaha keyboard sustain pedal polarity problems.
by: Mantius Cazaubon

The problem with Yamaha keyboards is the absence of a polarity switch. Also, the polarity on Yamaha keyboards is different to that of most brands. While the polarity on most keyboards is positive, Yamaha keyboards have negative polarity. This means that only certain sustain pedals will work with your Yamaha MOTIF ES8. You will need to get a specific Yamaha keyboard sustain pedal like the Yamaha FC4 or Yamaha FC5 sustain pedal. Or you can buy a pedal that has a tip negative polarity or a polarity switch.

Another option (worst case scenario) if you're up to it, is to get out your soldering iron and reverse the way the wires are connected to your jack. This will save you some money but you've got to be technically inclined to take on the challenge.

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