Low Battery display even with new batteries installed correctly...WHY???

by Dennis
(San Francisco, CA)

Even with new batteries correctly installed and with keyboard functioning correctly, the display reads "Low Battery" Any answers out there???

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Nov 04, 2020
How to get rid of the message?
by: Mauricio

Was this fixed? it's happening to me and I can't change instruments without needing to press the Exit button.

Oct 14, 2019
Low Battery
by: Jim

I'm having this same problem with fresh batteries installed. The Low battery warning shows with the batteries removed and a/c adapter plugged in. It doesn't stop showing regardless of which nomination of batteries and a/c adapters are in play. I have re initialized my PSR 540 multiple times. Everything else works perfectly. Any additional ideas?

May 29, 2012
Having the same problem with the PSR550
by: Anonymous

getting "low battery" when using the AC.. but only if i use the internal floppy disk drive. i know the FDD uses more power and maybe its the age of the device which causes this behavior.

Mar 30, 2010
Low Battery display
by: Anonymous

Low Battery display

Do a factory reset

Oct 25, 2009
In appreciation
by: Dennis

I appreciate everyone's comment with regards to my keyboard displaying the "low battery" warning.
I always use an ac adaptor without any batteries installed. With or without batteries the warning remains using an adaptor. That, which is annoying, is the fact that any keyboard setting changes are not allowed as long as the warning is displayed. Setting changes can only be accessed after pressing the blue EXIT button but soon after, the warning returns. In any case, I am planning to have a technician investigate the problem. Thanks again to all who responded.

Oct 25, 2009
Battery Circuit
by: Alfred

Dear Dennis: Giving further thought to your problem, be advised that the circuit for Battery use is completely separate from the one for Adaptor use. Therefor, if you invest in the purchase of an Adaptor and it works, you will gain from not having to buy batteries. However, you will still have to contend with the short circuit existing in the battery system, and you should have a qualified technician repair it. Good luck.

Oct 22, 2009
Battery Drain
by: Alfred

Dear Dennis: As you have followed Dick's wise recommendations and still have a "Low Battery"
indication after a month's hiatus, followed by the same indication in short order after insertion of fresh batteries and a change of Setting, THERE IS AN INTERNAL SHORT CIRCUIT which is rapidly draining the batteries. A short circuited Power Switch, plus a demand for addioional current by change of Setting are just two of the possibilities. IF YOU ARE NOT EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRONIC REPAIR WORK (ESPECIALLY KEYBOARDS), consider sending the unit to Yamaha or an authorized technician for repair. Good luck.

Oct 22, 2009
"Low Battery" display won't go away
by: Dennis

Thank you for your response, Dick Rector.
Originaly, the batteries functioned well until the keyboard was then idle with the batteries still installed. After more than a month without using the keyboard, the batteries drained completely. Installed new batteries and the keyboard plays well but any setting changes are interupted by the message, "Low Battery". I will check out the battery contacts...thanks again.

Oct 21, 2009
low battery
by: Dick Rector

Hi Dennis,

Only just a thought!
Did you had your previous batteries totally empty before? The contacts in your keyboard are maybe a bit corroded. See if you can clean them and try again. Another try: check the NEW batteries. If they have been long 'on the shelf' one or more are maybe not as fresh as you might think.
Hope this solves your problem.
Let us know please.


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