Comments for Keyboard Problem - Yamaha YPT-400

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Mar 27, 2013
Keyboard jack
by: Terry From SC

If it was my keyboard, I'd take it apart myself. getting it repaired is going to be a hassle, just take all the screws out of the bottom, flip the top up, and look to see whats wrogn with the jack,you might be able to easilly fix it by tightening a screw, or soldering, or maybe even a little buit of electrical tape might fix it., and clean out your keys/touch pad whiel your at it. remove the screws holding the keys down, push gentley on the end of the key sections to make them come off, wipe the big microchip under the keys with a dab of rubbing alcohol and a cloth, you could also use a vaccum to get the dust and grim out of your keyboard. it's very hard to mess up this kind of equipment, don't be afraid to clean it and repair it. I have the exact same model, i'm familiar with electronics repair as well. in fact you could probably replace your jack with another one just like it for just a few cents from radio shack, instead of spending loads of money sending it to a yamah repair shape, you certainly don't have a warranty on an old model like the ypt 400, take maters into your own hands. No worries my friend!
TIP- if your keys are not responding right to the touch sensitive setting, or if certain keys don't work. then remove and clean the rubber button pads under the keys. rub the black circle contact pad looking things underneath with a wash cloth dipped in alcohol. fixed mine. works great!

Mar 24, 2009
Jack in your Unit
by: Alfred

Sounds like you have a problem with the Jack (Entry into the Unit). It has probably become loose from its Nut inside the Keyboard. Your best bet is to take your keyboard to an authorized Yamaha Service shop. If my guess is correct,the repair will be a very minor one. Hope this helps.

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