Keyboard or Digital Piano - Differences Between

by sindy

If someone could tell me in short simple form the differences between a keyboard or Digital Piano.

I have a Casio keyboard and want a comparrison or know how a digital piano would benefit me.

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Dec 17, 2007
Differences between keyboard and digital piano
by: Mantius

A digital piano is often referred to as a keyboard. It is essentially a keyboard. It is specifically called a digital piano primarily because of the fact that it has 88 weighted keys like that of an acoustic piano.

A digital piano is a keyboard but a keyboard is not necessarily a digital piano.

In other words for a keyboard to be referred to as a digital piano it must have 88 weighted keys. It must have action which is similar to an acoustic. This is where the emphasis must lie.

Digital pianos are cheaper alternatives to acoustic pianos. Examples of digital pianos are the Yamaha YDP223 and Yamaha P70.

On the other hand, keyboards like the Yamaha MOTIF XS8 and M08 come with weighted keys but are not normally referred to as digital pianos. Instead they are called synthesizers/workstations. They have many more features as opposed to digital pianos that are pretty straightforward.

Digital pianos, synthesizers, workstations, personal keyboards and portable keyboards all come under the general category of "keyboards".

Hope this helps.

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