Is there Freeze mode in Yamaha S550 Key board?

by Ratnakar

I have purchased Yamaha S550. But I am not happy with my keyboard. It has no Freeze mode. I use always user rhythms styles. If I change playing voice, automatically rhythm changes. Why?. What can I do with this bloody board.

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Jul 24, 2021
In function freeze
by: राहुल

Yes there is in function like freeze button but there name is chaged.
We can use as freeze button 🙂

Dec 22, 2011
Freeze is possible now
by: Elmar

Freeze is possible for you!
Yes you read the right sentences!
I found out, that YAMAHA PSR-S550 supports something like a freeze-mode.
If you want to find out how it works, then I recommend you to try out the demo version of our new voice-registrations.
Simply check out the following url if you are registered in our shop, you can download it for free.

Dec 15, 2011
Freeze is possible now
by: Elminger

Hi together,
I can offer you to freeze your Panel-Registrations, so that a registration recall will not change style, tempo and so on.

If you send me your registration file, i will try do fix your problem.

In the meantime you can checkout:

There you can download a file and test it on your system, wheter freeze is possible while using this registration set.

Good luck!

Nov 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

not freeze between the function and how we can make fuencionen banks without changing the rate or time

May 23, 2011
PSR S550 Freeze Function
by: Anonymous

Dear S550 Lovers. Turn your song mode on in your PSR S550. Then Register your voice. you can do it with DSP, Sustain, Hormony. But you can't with Touch. Now turn off your song mode now you can Change your voice without change your Styles and Patterns. It is similar to Freeze Function. It is Really Nice I LOVE my PSR S550.

May 19, 2010
Yamaha S550 Problems
by: Alfred

Dear Ratnakar: We are sorry to learn of your problems, but please understand this Forum is not connected in any way to the Yamaha Corp., and venting your spleen may seem justified to you, but it indicates you did not do sufficient research before making your purchase. We suggest you get onto the Internet and see exactly what features are included in your unit. Also download a corresponding Owner's Manual for some guidance. Hope this eliminates your frustration.

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