I need a CD or Files for the Yamaha PSR-K1

by Stephen
(South Wales)

I decided to learn to play the keyboard and bought a secondhand PSR-K1 as it had lessons built into it.

Unfortunately it came without the original CD so I can't connect it to my PC.
Is there anywhere I can buy a copy of the CD, or download the files that would have been on it?
I'd appreciate any help.

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Jan 16, 2023
Yamaha PSR-K1 Files and CD NEW
by: Anonymous

You may be able to find a copy of the CD on sites like eBay or Amazon, but it may be difficult to find a new copy. If you're unable to find a physical copy, you may be able to download the files that would have been on the CD from the manufacturer's website, or from a third-party website that specializes in providing software and drivers for older devices. In some cases, you may also be able to use a USB cable to transfer files between your keyboard and computer, eliminating the need for the CD altogether.

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