I have a Yamaha CVP 207 and want to burn my music to CD

by Christine
(Camp Pendleton, California, USA)

I keep reading that I can purchase an external CD/R but I don't know what to get and more importantly how to hook it up. I have a pic of the lower board to see what connections are down there, but I'm frustrated. I'm a musician, not a techie....help! - Christine

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Oct 26, 2015
Karaoke Diskettes_for CVP207
by: Anonymous

I have a CVP207 and am looking for karaoke diskettes which are very difficult to find. Can I play karaoke CDs through my computer...and into my CVP207?

Feb 27, 2010
Burn songs to cd
by: Dick Rector

Hello Christine,

Don't make it to complicated. You don't need external equipment, only a cheap cable.
Download for free a program called AUDACITY from audacity.sourceforge.net/ and from the same site the also free program LAME.
Install first AUDACITY on the computer and than LAME. Put the LAME files in the same directory as AUDACITY

You need to make a connection from keyboard HEADPHONE OUT to computer soundcard LINE IN.
That is normally a simple cable with 1 big jackplug and 1 small jackplug (both stereo!)
Any sound- or computershop has them or even larger foodstores have them for sale.
Start AUDACITY on the computer, keep the default settings and press RECORD (red button)
You will see 2 channels (stereo) waiting for a signal.
Now start your song on the keyboard or play live.
In the 2 channels you will see the signal coming in and you have to keep the PEAKS by use of the volumeknob on the keyboard (you will see what I mean) within the lines to prevent distortion by overpowering.
When finished press STOP and save the song(s) as WAV or MP3-files in a folder on the computer.
Now you can burn the files to a CD as usual.
This is not complicated at all and most musicians, a lot are not techs! are using this free software to do the same.

Keep in mind that the songs IN the keyboard or the ones you have saved on another medium are MIDI-files and they can NOT be transferred as audible sound to a CD. (Midi is not sound but a stream of computer-commands)
That's why you have to do it trough the headphones out because there the keyboard has made it audible.
Hope this helps you, let us know please and come back if we can be at any further assistance.

Bali (Indonesia)

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