I get no sound what to do ?

by Wanda Cornelius
(Georgia USA)

I have a yamaha ysr6 electronic piano keyboard, serial number 247020 I became ill and it was in storage, when I got it back the cords were gone and I cannot play it now which I think would help me as I had an aneurysim that burst but was saved by a metal shunt being placed in my head. One of my favorit things before this happened was to play my keyboard and now I am at a point where I want to try to play again, because my keyboard is soundless and i cannot seem to find anyone to help me repair it Can anyone help me My name is Wanda Cornelius and my e-mail is wandacrnls@yahoo.com

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Aug 05, 2009
Defective Keyboard
by: Anonymous

Dear Wanda: It's possible that your posting has a typo (ysr 6 instead of PSR 6). If it is the latter, you have a keyboard which is 19 years old.
Further,storage conditions possibly were not ideal and components may have deteriorated to a point where the cost of any repair would not be warranted.
It is obvious you are determined to start playing again and I encourage you to do so. I would suggest that you seek out garage sales or flea markets to find a similar, used and affordable WORKING keyboard (with a power adaptor)so you can
"tickle the ivories" once more. GOOD LUCK.

Jul 29, 2009
it has power
by: Anonymous

i am not getting any sound from my Yamaha DGX 200,
even though it has power

Jul 28, 2009

Wanda,you did not mention if the keyboard was getting power,check that first,either by batteries if it takes them or try changing the adapter.These can usually be found pretty cheap if you have a swapmeet or fleamarket nearby.It doesnt have to be yamaha as long as the polarity and voltage match.Hope this will help.

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