How to record on the floppy disc and playback from the floppy disc

by janice
(Chennai, Tamilnadu, India)

I am having yamaha PSR 450

The method of recording may be highlighted as well as the play back

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Oct 20, 2008
Yamaha PSR450 help
by: Anonymous

Hi there, I also have the Yamaha PSR450. and its allrite.

Here is the help number by number.

1. Record your performance and save it in the hard disk.

2. Insert Floppy into the drive and then press the "SAVE" button. It will ask you to enter the name of the file

3. Enter the name of the file and then press "EXECUTE" button.

4. I think it might as whether to save it as as a SMF file

5. Press yes.

6. W8 4 it to complete the save. then it will show "COMPLETE"

Hope this helps


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