How To Record Audio From Yamaha CLP 685 To A Mac?

by Simon

Hi. I've got a Yamaha CLP 685, which I'm trying to record to a mac.

I've tried a USB stick but when I do that it says it's saving audio to USB but doesn't actually seem to be doing anything, and just stays like that with 00:00 blinking in the window.

I've tried taking twin audio outs and inputting them through the in/out headphones port on mac, nothing happens.

I've tried bluetooth, cannot make it work.

I've tried a Lindy audio-to-USB stick, nothing happens.

Cannot proceed.

Be grateful for any help.


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Feb 16, 2019
Audio to computer
by: Anonymous

I've sorted out the memory stick thing now.
Is this the only way to transfer audio to a computer?

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