how do I get my user songs into an MP3 format so I can burn them to CD?
by Hyrum M. Allred
(Orem, Utah, U.S.A.)
I am using a Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-620. I have recorded five different user songs on the instrument then I moved them onto my PC. The file that made it to my pc using MSD is in .bup format and I'm not sure how to listen to it, much less how to turn it into anything that I can burn to an audio CD.
I'm curious if there is a program that alows me to open and listen to my songs in their .bup format or if there is a way to convert the audio files to MP3 or another format that I can burn to a CD or listen to with normal program?
Also, reading the manual for the piano, it says that when user songs are recorded that they are compressed with a PDF of sheet music; is this PDF compressed with the audio file as a .BUP? if so is there a way to separate them so I can print of the sheet music as well as get the audio into a manageable format such as MP3?