Great keyboard, but I have a problem! Split Point

by John
(Northern Vermont)

MY problem is the SPLIT, it has been good up until yesterday, but now NO MATTER WHERE I SET THE SPLIT POINT, there is a noise something similar to an accordion bellows shake that overwhelms anything I try to play. The noise is like a number of keys being played at the some time, out of key with a strong vibrato.

This happens only below the split point, by moving the split point to the bottom key, I can play the rest of the keys okay.


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Apr 05, 2019
help me please i think it's broken
by: Vesna

as soon as i move my keyboard i hear a rattling sound on the right sound of my Yamaha portable grand DGX 350 and I hear something moving please help me.

Mar 09, 2017
Split point.
by: Terry Turner

john.I own an older Keyboard PSR 550 and anytime I have a problem I use the phn number in the manual to contact Yamaha in California. They have knowledgeable techs there who can help you with any problems over the phone. Meanwhile you may clear it yourself by using the info in manual to reboot it and clear all info back to the original standard. Good luck. TT

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