Fixed Yamaha P85 no sound

by Dave

My P85 had no sound so I used the service manual to replace a part on the circuit board. C122 was at fault. The service manual has schematics and the pcb is well marked. I have an electronics background and know how to solder.

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Aug 22, 2024
Worked for me NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks for posting this - I checked all the capacitors and found only C216 shorted. Replaced the capacitor and the electric piano is now back in operation. Thanks again!

Sep 16, 2023
Still not working
by: edisondotme

I replaced: C216, C217, C408, C113.
Still not producing sound, despite turning on.
Metronome doesn't produce sound, demo songs don't produce sound.
How do I figure out which component to replace beyond just replacing each one by one?

Sep 04, 2023
Fixed it :-) NEW
by: okgi

HY!! My Yamaha P85 also had the "no sound problem". I systematically checked the capacitors and then changed the two capacitors C216, C217 (100uF/16V) AND the C113 (33uF/16V) on the DC board. All three had a short circuit. That fixed it for me :-)
Thank you for sharing!!!

Aug 15, 2023
p85 C216 & C217 parts NEW
by: Jay

Where do you purchase the P85 c216 & c217 parts?

Aug 04, 2022
help p85 NEW
by: Emran Haddadi

Hello. I replaced c216 c217. But the sound problem was not solved. When I turn off the device, a sound comes from the speaker. But there is no sound. Please help.

Mar 21, 2022
Is there an other solution? NEW
by: Anonymous2

Anonymous... Did You resolved the issue. My P85 no sound, too. But replacing C216, C217 changed nothing.
Best regards

Mar 20, 2022
Is there an other solution? NEW
by: Anonymous2

Anonymous... Did You resolved the issue. My P85 no sound, too. But replacing C216, C217 changed nothing.
Best regards

Mar 17, 2022
Where can I find the parts? NEW
by: John Mathews

Hi all,
Great info I think it will fix the no sound issue with our P85 but where can I get the C216 and C217 parts. My internet search has turned up nothing so far.
Thanks in advance,

Jan 25, 2022
Worked for p90 NEW
by: Bryan

I replaced those too but my issue on a p-95 which has very similar schematic was another capacitor further along the AM board which, when testing with the ohm meter would not move to unlimited as the others (or would 'beep' with the sound feedback setting). Thanks

Jan 03, 2022
Same fix worked for me NEW
by: Pumpstein

Based on comments here, I tested C216 & C217 with a resistance meter and capacitance meter. One was shorted the other measured ~80 mf (should be 100 mf). I replaced both of them and tested nothing else on the PCB.

Put it all back together, hit the power switch, hit a key and what do you know - it worked. Sounds great!

Dec 09, 2021
How did you figure out which capacitor to replace?
by: Rob

For those of you that fixed successfully, how did you figure out which capacitor to replace? Just start pulling and testing them all one by one? Thanks!

Oct 06, 2021
216 & 217 fixed mine too. NEW
by: David

Thanks for posting this fix!!! 216 and 217 fixed it for me too. I could not afford to replace my P-85 nor a repair bill. For others like me who can solder but know little about electronic components, pay attention to the orientation of the side with stripes on the capacitors when soldering in the new ones. $6 spent on on 100uf 16v capacitors on Amazon and I have a working piano again. Huzzah!

P.S. Found the Repair Manual here:

which aided in locating the capacitors on the circuit board.

Jun 22, 2021
Replaced C216 and TR201
by: Irwingstone Howard

For my child's keyboard, C216 was shorting and along with TR201 had to be replaced. This did the trick.

Apr 09, 2020
216 and 217 were the culprits on mine, too
by: Anonymous

216 and 217 fixed it for me.

Dec 20, 2019
Problem Resolved
by: Anonymous

Thanks all for the information provided in this thread. My p85 had the same problem and I replaced c216 and c217 and problem solved!

Dec 20, 2019
by: Magic

In my case replacement of C216, 217 didn't help.
It was C408.
I have checked all capacitors on AM circut board by using multimetr and C408 had a "Beeep"
I found replacement part in old dvd.
Thanks to all for engagement in topic.

Sep 10, 2019
How to fix it?
by: Anonymous

there is no sound on my p-85 either, i turn it on and press keys but there is no sound. it is no the power because ive switched outlets and the red light stays on, the keys just have no sound. the volume is on.

Aug 21, 2019
p85 no sound / no power?
by: ctijn

Our P85 also makes no sound. When pressing the Standby/On button, the red LED turns on for a few seconds (some days just 1 second, some days a bit longer). Then there is a clicking sound coming from one of the electronic components (not the speakers, it sounds more like a relay, perhaps an automatic fuse?). Then the red LED turns off and it seems that there is no power on the system anywhere.

- I opened the unit to look for water damage or other short circuit causes but didn't find any.

- The power adapter gives a voltage of about 17V (when not connected to the P85)

- a few days ago with the unit open, I connected all cables and had power (red LED on) for about 20 seconds, during this time all piano keys worked and produced sound, the voice buttons and 'demo/song' button did not work. then I tried again and it was back to the problem described above: only a few seconds of red LED on)

Would you have any idea how to diagnose and repair?

Thank you!

Feb 02, 2019
Yamaha P85 no sound fix
by: Anonymous

My Yamaha P85 had a no sound problem too. I replaced the two 100uf capacitors at locations C216 and C217 on the board where the DC power plug connects. Fixed it right up.

Jan 21, 2019
How did you find the problem sourse
by: Anonymous

i been looking at the circuit but i cant find the problem source

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