Factory Reset on a Yamaha clp 265?

Dear Community!

our clp 265 seems to be a little "out of tune"...
What can I do? / how could i perform à Factory reset?


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Nov 05, 2011
clp 265 tuning
by: Anonymous

when I got my clp 265 I messed around with some of the functions and detuned my piano. refer to the manual function f1, the display should read 440, which means 440 vibrations per second which is the proper tuning of an A note in the key of C. this will bring your piano back to the proper pitch. its on page 38 or 39 of the manual.

Jun 01, 2010
out of tune
by: Dick Rector

Dear anonymous,

Usually I don't reply to 'no names'.

A keyboard can NOT get out of tune unless someone has been playing with the 'transpose' function or something is really broken.
A mild reset is done by holding down the highest white key while powering up. That will clean the 'daily' memory-settings when for instance the keyboards does not know what you want to do anymore.
A factory 'out of the box' reset is done by doing the same + holding down the nearest 3 black keys.
Warning: a factory reset will delete everything that might be saved in your user area's.


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