Equivalent of yamaha PSR 510

by Paul


I will like to buy a keyboard with realistic professional sounds and a good memory bank for our church.
Someone adviced to by Yamaha PSR 510, 520 or 530. I like the sound of 510.

How does the performance compare with Yamaha YPG225.

Could you suggest a Yamaha keyboard thank would meet my needs.

My email is: pkinzo@yahoo.ca



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Aug 11, 2010
Yamaha PSR models
by: Mark Rizo

I am not familiar with the Yamaha YPG225 model, but I have found the newer Yamaha's much more difficult to navigate and tweak than the old PSRs. However, the newer Yamaha's do have a richer collection of sounds, and a USB port or card slot can be a huge plus.

For what it's worth, this is a list I made of all the Yamaha models similar to the PSR-510, with their primary differences. I have owned several, and, as far as I can tell, they all have the same base AWM sound set. The one exception may be the PSR-500/PSR-85, which has been said to have a different, and possibly better, sound set.

PSR-410: HAS the layer/split cluster but NO jog wheel, 2 track sequencer (1 accom + 1 melody)

PSR-420: no jog wheel, 128 voices, no layer/split cluster, large LCD display, beginner keyboard

PSR-500: 61-key, no jog wheel, 100 voices, no layer/split cluster, model reportedly same as PSR-85

PSR-510: upgraded version of the 410, 61-key, jog wheel, 128 voices, layer/split cluster, 6 track sequencer (1 accom + 5 melody), better FX

PSR-2700: same as PSR-510 (128 voices, jog wheel, cluster), adds sampling, FDD, and wider screen

PSR-520: 61-key, large LCD display, 141 voices, 61-key, jog wheel, NO layer/split button cluster

PSR-530: 61-key, larger LCD display, jog wheel, NO cluster, 200 voices + 480 XG voices (4MB ROM), last of the PSR-5x series

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