dpg620 ypg625 or the ypg635

by denton
(pa usa)

i dont know what to chose the dpg620 the ypg625 or the ypg635 they all look the same to me and i also heard there is going to be a dpg630 is that true and is it good to wait for that one

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Sep 07, 2008
ypg625 or ypg635
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to add to my earlier comments about these two models being extremely similar (I don't see them listed anywhere). The YPG635 has 64 note polyphony, whereas the ypg625 has 32 note polyphony, same as the ypg535.

I do not see any other differences listed on Yamaha's website.


Sep 07, 2008
the difference
by: Anonymous

I talked to a salesman/pianist at a well known music store and they told me there is essentially no difference between the ypg625 and the ypg635.

They look and weight exactly the same. The sound quality and innards/features are exactly the same, except the 635 has a additional voices, songs added to the bank. The 625 is simply a discontinued model and was marketed largely overseas as the DGX-620.
The only real difference is the (typically) whopping $200 additional price tag for the newer model. And of course the '635' instead of the '625'. If you're lucky enough to grab one of the 625s before they are gone, consider yourself fortunate.

This reminds me of a marketing strategy by refrigerator makers who charge $100.00 more for chrome colored applicances, since everyone wants/buys the hip chrome color.
Happens all over in capitalism, my friend!

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