Dead notes on keyboard

by Jofie
(Johannesburg, RSA)

Some of the keys on my keyboard are dead. (Different notes). What can the problem be? Can it be fixed (reset)?

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Nov 17, 2010
contact pads??
by: Dick Rector

Hi Jofie,

You did not mentioned the model keyboard but I think the rubber underlay contact-pads are giving the problem.
If you go to PSRTUTORIAL.COM - forum - PSR3000 there is a very good article with pictures how to change the pads.
Not really a DIY job but yes if you are handy and not scared to open your keyboard, you can do it.


Nov 17, 2010
Probably needs contacts replaced
by: Anonymous

This is probably caused by a cracked contact. We had the problem and were able to get to it and replace the contacts. You might do a search on replacing contacts and if you don't find anything repost this and when I get time I'll try to answer again. (Getting ready to go to hospital). You can do it yourself, if you're handy with a screwdriver and can find the contacts to buy. Someone showed us how to do it. The most time- consuming part is removing all the screws that hold the top and bottom parts of the keyboard together. For that you'll need a magnetized Phillips screwdriver. Good luck on the job.

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