Damper Problem

by Suzanne Cooley
(Gretna, NE)

My Clavinova CLP 100 sounds like the damper pedal is down all the time even when the peddle is unplugged from the back of the instrument. Can I fix this on my own and if so how?

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Aug 26, 2015
Held down
by: Anonymous

Are you holding down the peddle when turning it on? If you are, it can cause the piano to think the that is the normal sound production, Check to make sure that the peddle isn't pressed or upside down when you turn the piano on.

Jan 19, 2011
by: Dick Rector

Hi Suzanne,

To be honest I have no idea what it can be. The only advice I can give is to try a reset first.

There are two ways to reset your keyboard.

1. Is what I call a mild reset and that deletes everything in the on-board flash-memory that wasn’t saved in user-area’s or on a flash-stick or so.
You can use that anytime and some people (like me) do this reset almost every time I power up my keyboard to make sure it is a ‘fresh’ start.
-Hold down the most right white key while powering up. This takes only a few seconds.
That’s all!

2. The second method is a different story.
It will bring your keyboard back to the status as it was when it came out of the box (unless something is really broken of course!)
This is a FACTORY reset and you should only perform this if the keyboard is really confused and acting strangely.
-Unplug the power for 10 seconds
Hold down the same most right white key PLUS the nearest 3 black keys while powering up.
Keep in mind!!!!!
This action will delete EVERYTHING that is stored in User-Area’s, like your songs, home made voices, registrations etc. including the owners name (depending on the model). So make BACKUP’S first if still possible if you have some work saved.

You don’t have to worry about all the internal factory-styles and voices etc, these are stored in non-erasable memory and will be still there.

If this is not bringing your keyboard back to life as it should be, you need a qualified (preferable a Yamaha trained) repair-person.

I hope it is something simple as a 'reset'.


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