Damper Pedal does not work on my Yamaha Clavinova cvp-92

by Uwe Betz
(Munich, Germany)

We have a Yamaha Clavinova CVP-92 and my daughter just found that the damper padel does not work at all. Any tests/checks/settings I can perform to find the reason for this error?

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Feb 07, 2011
i have check it
by: bla

ha i found he problem,which i had too!! ^^
you only have to check the cabel at the backsite!!

Jul 31, 2010
by: Maria

Actually, try to unplug the pedal and replug it... I'm rather embarrased for not trying that one earlier!

Jul 31, 2010
by: Maria

Funny thing, I have this exact same problem.

I suspected earlier that the problem is actually hardware and not software (sorry, I'm IT engineer, I like to use those words) and the reset not helping this made me believe I was right. My father is better with these things than I am and I'm expecting his visit. It might take a week or two since we live in different towns, but I'll update if we find a helpful solution to the problem. I should still have warranty on the piano so if we can't figure out the problem, a professional will and I'll let you know what they say. Hang on there!

Jun 30, 2010
Not solved yet
by: Uwe

Unfortunately the reset didnt work and the problem exists with all keys. I have to check for a hardware issue.
Thx for the feedback so far.

Jun 30, 2010
Damper Yamaha CVP 92
by: Alfred

Dear Uwe: I hope Dick Rector's suggestion has solved your problem. Just as a passing thought, I understand that some Yamaha Electronic Pianos
show no damping effect in any of the keys from G5 trough C7. these last keys dont have dampers, as is also the case with acoustic pianos. The digital piano is only mimicking this. All other keys (from A1 trough F#5) should work well (sound is damped when key is released).

Maybe this helps.

Mar 25, 2010
damper pedal
by: Dick Rector

Guten Tag Uwe,

A mild reset can be done by holding the highest white key down while powering up the keyboard.
A factory reset can be done by holding the highest white key + the 3 closest black keys.
This will bring the keyboard back to 'as from the factory' assuming there is not a mechanical fault.
WARNING: this factory reset will delete everything what might be in user-areas!

Hope this solves the problem.


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