Connecting my Yamaha clavinova 265GP to garage band

by Cristina


Can someone please tell me whether it is possible to conenct my 265GP clavinova to garageband? It does not seem to recognize the program. Thank you!


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Jan 22, 2017
Connecting keyboard to "Garageband"
by: Terrence Turner

Cristina, I own a Yamaha PSR 550 and it does a great job on all music genre's except a "CALYPSO".
Have tried for a very long time without success.
I was not familiar with garage band until you posted a request.
Today I went to garageband website to get you an answer. Garageband can be downloaded FREE BUT after sampling the sites creator I realize that mu PSR 550 does a far better job, PLUS the instrument sounds are very authentic just like the actual instrument being played.
Garage band is a fine thing for creating songs, BUT to be able to create them theres a whole lot of time needed to learn HOW to use it.
The site comes with its own keyboard on the screen but if you want to hook up a keyboard to it CONTACT THE GARAGE BAND SITE AND ASK THEM. My own decision is (its not for me) Hope this helps you. Goodluck Terry Turner

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