CLP or CVP Yamaha Clavinova for a Church Setting?

With the short supply of available organists our church wants to purchase a clavinova so that in the absense of an organist, maybe even a piano player, the non musician can "play" a prerecorded church service. Which series would be best for this purpose? Would it be the CLP or CVP? We don't want to have a series of items hooked up in order to do this. We want the clavinova itself (with a memory card? or????) to have the capability to play a prerecorded service with just the press of a button.

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May 15, 2009
I also have a used Clavinova 207
by: Anonymous

I'd like to sell my Clavinova to purchase a Motif. Let me know if you're interested. It's in fabulous condition.


Apr 03, 2009
Type of music
by: benny

Depends what music you play in church. The Cvp series have many more voices and styles and are generally louder than the Clp series.

Mar 15, 2009
used for sale
by: Anonymous

have cvp 207 clavinova for sale in excellant condition. has been used in church very well.

Emmaus Abbey 1-518-358-4168

Mar 15, 2009
used for sale
by: Anonymous

have cvp 207 clavinova for sale in excellant condition. has been used in church very well.

Emmaus Abbey 1-518-358-4168

Feb 24, 2008
CLP versus CVP
by: Anonymous

I have researched the CLP and CVP clavinovas and understand what each is able to accomplish. Both are able to record service music.

It would seem to me that if a church is looking for an instrument that will carry the church forward into new territory musically and stand it in good stead for years to come, the church should want an instrument with many playing and recording options. I believe that the CVP would be the insturment to choose in this situation.

Thank you so much for having this space available for questions to be fielded.

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