Clicky Keys

by paul
(sydney, nsw, australia)

I have a second hand CLP122S with a beautiful sound the keys have gradually started clicking more and more. How can I fix this and is it possible without the expense of a technician overhauling the whole thing?

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Feb 17, 2011
loosing the screws on the Yamaha CLP122S
by: Paul

Thanks anonymous person. Do you know if the CLP122S uses the same mechanism (ie. springs)though? I don't know where to find the user manual which may or may not tell me how to open the dang thing to take a look. The top is hinged but I can't make out which screws release it.

Feb 16, 2011
key fixed
by: Anonymous

Hi I just found out how to put the springs on the keys. This I did by trile and error. On my Yamaha CVP 10 you have to take the instrument apart and remove the keyboard. The springs are in the back of key board. It is rather easy to put them in. You have to push the spring in so that it clicks into the key. That is the only way you can fix the key board yourself.

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