certain keys have stopped working

by Stuart
(London, UK)

A few keys on my keyboard are not working anymore. On C4 its F# and G, on C5 its D, F and G#.

How can i get those working again?

Im using a PSR-275


Comments for certain keys have stopped working

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Jan 31, 2025
Key stopped working NEW
by: Anonymous

This totally worked...I couldn't believe it...thank you!!

Oct 10, 2024
Ref Yamaha PSR E433 NEW
by: Anonymous

Recently all the E & F keys stopped playing on my keyboard.

Symptons:- If the F Key was held down the E key would not play and visa versa.

The fault was intermittent as sometimes everything was fine.

The keyboard is played in the conservatory in a clean environment so I didn't think that dust would be the problem

I finally came to the conclusion that it may be caused by condensation trapped in the keyboard damping the internal circuits.

I did not wish to open up the keyboard so installed the dehumidifier in the conservatory.

This seems to have solved the problem as everything is now working fine.

I hope this will be of some help to others and thank you for helpful comments by others

Sep 24, 2024
Shook my keyboard back to working order! NEW
by: Anonymous

Every 6th key of my keyboard was dead. Turning my keyboard upside down and smacking it was not working a whole ton, but picking it up upside-down and shaking/tilting it was releasing a rainstorm of dust and immediately fixed the issue.

If your keyboard is a bit older and is having similar issues, there may be dust on an internal sensor somewhere. Using compressed air may work? However, it's important to actually get the dust out of that thing. That fixed it for me, hopefully it does for you reading this too.

Sep 16, 2024
Unreal NEW
by: Anonymous

I saw comments about hitting the back of the piano (behind the broken key) and thought it made no sense. Nonetheless, I still tried and it actually FIXED worked!

Jul 21, 2024
Slapping worked NEW
by: Anonymous

I experienced several keys working intermittently and out of frustration, resorted to trying the slap on the back. It worked!

Jul 03, 2024
Key not working NEW
by: Anonymous

Just slapped the back as suggested below, and it worked.

Oct 04, 2023
E and A# keys not working
by: Anonymous

All of the E and A# aren't working, I've cleaned the inside but the issue still remains. Is there anything I can do?

Sep 19, 2023
Pianist style not working in Yamaha PSR i500
by: Ankush Patel

Pianist style not working in Yamaha PSR i500 keyboard.

Aug 27, 2023
C3# key unresponsive
by: Anonymous

I've had this Yamaha P-125b for almost 3 years now. It has performed well until yesterday, the C# key malfunctioned. When I press it normally, it won't make a sound, but when I do it hard, it makes a loud noise. It seems this key lost it's soft touch response and would only work on *forté*. I tried cleaning it, slapping the back of the piano but it still won't work. Please help, thank you

Aug 03, 2023
certain keys don't work
by: jaydouble

Please don't take apart your keyboard apart as Yamaha suggests. Hold the function key down and press G6, which sets the tuning to default*. Sometimes that won't work by itself, so toggle between 1 step down (F#6) and 1 step up (G#6) ending up on G6 (normal tuning).
*I use a P35 and P45.

Jul 28, 2023
I slapped mine too
by: Anonymous

I have a Yamaha p105 and a few of the higher G keys stopped working. I flipped it over and gave it a single slap near those keys. They now work!

Jul 11, 2023
Slapping it on the backside actually worked - quite amazing
by: Anonymous

Wow...I cannot believe that slapping my Yamaha Grand Piano DGX-205 on the backside will actually work. I did it once like I was just playing drums and would you believe it...it worked Immediately. Thanks again

Jul 01, 2023
Fixed my issue
by: Anonymous

I unplugged and replugged the sustain pedal cord and my 4 unresponsive keys responded

May 14, 2023
Having trouble with C# and G key (in all octaves)
by: Anonymous

I have a problem with my Yamaha e373. I just bought this keyboard few months ago. Sounds fine, until all of my C# and G keys were all having trouble. These keys lose its touch sensitivity and sometimes doesn't sound especially if you are pressing it multiple times. The problem is also ocassional. Sometimes its fine, other times it's not. I've already cleaned my keyboard, and still the problem persist. Does anyone knows what might cause this problem to occur? And how to solve it permanently?

May 12, 2023
Non working keys
by: Dan

Hi all, I was doing the usual fix to help 3 c's on the lower keyboard on a Yamaha hc2 organ, like cleaning the contacts and unplugging and plugging back in the connectors on the circuit board which didn't work. The lowest C works but the others won't. Any thoughts on this?

Mar 23, 2023
Still not working
by: Anonymous

My Casio ctk-3200 has not been in use for a few years and it's F key was not working..until it miracally did start working for some days after I played it ..and then suddenly stopped along with C#. I've tried to slap on the back technique. I don't want to open this incase i mess it up and I don't want to spend money on this..Can someone help? I think the issue is external only because it was working like normal, 2 days ago and i didn't touch it for a day and this happens. HELP!

Mar 22, 2023
Keys not working on Yamaha keyboard
by: Anonymous

If a few keys on your Yamaha keyboard are not working, it's possible that there may be a problem with the key contacts or the circuit board that controls the keyboard. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

1. Check if the keys are physically stuck or damaged. Sometimes dirt, dust, or debris can get lodged in between the keys, preventing them from making proper contact with the circuit board. If this is the case, try cleaning the affected keys with a soft brush or compressed air.

2. Check if the keyboard is in Local Control mode. If the Local Control mode is turned off, the keyboard may not respond to the keys. To check the Local Control setting, refer to the owner's manual of your keyboard.

3. Check if the keyboard is in Split or Dual mode. In these modes, some keys may be assigned to different voices or functions. Try switching to a different mode or resetting the keyboard to its default settings to see if this resolves the issue.

4. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it may be a problem with the key contacts or circuit board. In this case, I recommend contacting a Yamaha authorized service center in your area for further assistance. They will be able to diagnose and repair the problem for you.

I hope this information helps you to resolve the issue with your Yamaha keyboard. Best of luck!

Nov 22, 2022
It works!!
by: Anonymous

Just got p125 c and f sharp entire range to sound again. I'm going to clean with air hose. Been 4 years from new.

Nov 05, 2022
It worked for me too--eventually
by: Anonymous

After I took my keyboard out of storge, where it had been standing on one end, all my B-flats and my E's stopped working, in ever octave.

I saw this technique also on a YouTube video, and it didn't work for me after about three tries.

I googled again the next day and found THIS page, and the comments about people trying several times, plus the advice about smacking it on the back, prompted me to try it again.

After the second one, in which I definitely smacked it on the back, everything worked!!

Jul 28, 2022
Dead Keys Fixed!!!!!
by: Ronbo

Like others who posted here, all of a sudden, all my B and F keys on my EW300 went dead. Everything else was still working flawlessly, but how can one play a single song without 2 of the 12 tones in all octaves?
I was all ready to take the machine apart and try to clean it when I read the, 'slap it on the back solution' that worked for several others. I thought it was plum crazy, but I figured, what could it hurt. Sure enough, a few slaps on it's rump and it is working flawlessly again! That is without a doubt, the fastest, simplest, cheapest and weirdest fix I have ever heard!!

May 28, 2022
slap it!!
by: Anonymous


I just bought used CLP 152 S for $25. thought only one key was stuck but it was all octaves of the E and all octaves of one sharp.
er\ry disappointed...

read about "slapping" ! Yall, it works perfectly now! unreal!!!

Apr 18, 2022
backrgound why tapping helps
by: Ridje

With the help of service manual I determined how does this thing work; keys are bound in groups of six (so a single octave is made of two such groups), each key has two switches on it; when you press the key, you connect a wire which stands for the group with one of the six wires in a single group. So it is quite common you will see faults in halves of octaves.
This keyboard is not very well protected against the debris entering the guts and this is probably the reason keys stop working - when you tap it, you dislodge the chunk from the PCB where it is causing fault. So it is probably not a very long term solution. Mine was to thoroughly clean all the insides.

Mar 08, 2022
Yeah same problem
by: localcrackhead69421

Too lazy to type it again
Hello @support I had some issues with the PSS A50 midi keyboard
So basically when I didn't connect my keyboard to my PC it was working flawlessly NO Problems
but when I did connect it with my PC (windows 10/8) some keys suddenly stopped working even after disconnecting and using a phone charger (here are the keys that don't work C#4,D4,D#4,E4,A5,C#6 using fl studio) (power only cable)
after almost 2 months of not using it suddenly started working again yeah sendded them this complaint

Mar 03, 2022
Sceptic Repents
by: Anonymous

I had keys not sounding in a PSR 260, same note names in multiple octaves. "Ah," thought I, noting the pattern, "that must be a software issue." So I did a factory reset. No luck.

So I scraped the bottom of the barrel and ended up here. and when I read that the answer was to 'Hit It', I thought, "You've got, to be joking," but still I tried The Big Slap.

It didn’t work: about 3 or 4 times. I re-read the posts, including one about slapping on the underside. It worked. I can hardly believe it.

But Thanks Guys.

Jan 27, 2022
Why slapping works
by: Ben K

I recently took apart a P105 with this issue - symptoms were some missing Cs and F#s. I slapped, which fixed some keys and broke others. Inside the case are two thing metal ribbons connecting the keys and panel to a main board. I reattached the ribbons while the keys were out of the case, and lo and behold it works. My guess is that these ribbons somehow get loose over time, and slapping somehow pushes them back in a little bit.

Jan 05, 2022
Yes, it works
by: Anonymous

The owner of the P-115 said some lower G's were not working. When I looked it over, those keys were working, but some higher keys were not. I took the keyboard apart and cleaned the contacts under the keys. After re-assembling the keyboard, the dead keys were now working, but the two highest C#s and Gs were not working. I found a video that showed this "slapping" technique, and it worked!

I wish someone would reveal what this is actually doing to fix the keyboard.

Dec 15, 2021
Hoping for the miracle … keyboard fix
by: Anonymous

Oh my gosh I wish I read this last night.. can’t wait to go home now and give the "miracle slap" to my keyboard!! All of a sudden last night some of the keys just stopped working… all I kept thinking was oh no.. that means more money to spend this time of year! Hope the miracle slap works for me too!

Nov 28, 2021
Yamaha Mofx key issues
by: Anonymous

I had alot of the same issues with keys not working properly and found the problem to be the ribbon cable that connects the keybed to the lcd board.

Nov 19, 2021
Slap Fix Worked!
by: Hastings UK Novice

Four keys on my Yamaha P115 just stopped sounding (regardless of voice style). Keys were C#5, G5, C#6 and G6 a curiously linked set of pairs. Tried switching on and off, re-initialising etc, all to no avail.

Rather sceptically, I felt there was nothing to lose in trying the slap technique described here. Two sharp slaps on the back and underside and everything's working perfectly again.

Thanks so much for sharing this tip It's gold dust from which you deserve a medal to be made!

Nov 15, 2021
How bout that
by: Anonymous

It worked!

Nov 15, 2021
Buttons not working? SLAP THE KEYBOARD!
by: Anonymous

Turning the keyboard on its backside and giving it a few good slaps?
This is the best advice I've ever come across in my life. I don't know who first introduced it, but:

You deserve a medal, my friend.

Nov 15, 2021
Buttons not working?
by: Anonymous

I don't know who introduced the "turning the piano upside and giving it a few slaps" idea, but that's the easiest and most effective solution I've come across in my life.

You deserve a medal, my friend!

Oct 14, 2021
by: Emperor Elijah Abeid Cazembe Muata

My keys have been going out for years now and recently I lost several Keys, they just wouldn't sound. Well!! Last night I read the Miracle Slap Fix, Turned the keyboard on, ten minutes ago and gave it about five or six slaps on the back at different points. PRESTO!! ONE hundred Percent Functionality.
Our Hero needs to be Known and Rewarded!!!
My Lady's Voice is Out of Key... Just Wondered if. ...? On second thought.. No, May bring a Lawsuit... Will just have to live with the Crooning.
Anyone with Spare Earmuffs ??

Sep 20, 2021
Slap the keys hard
by: Panji

Thanks to those who gave the advice to slap the keys hard. It worked on my kid's piano (Yamaha PSR E373). Suddenly E flat and A keys didn't work, I have no idea how that happened, possibly dirty electronic contacts? Now they're back.

Sep 02, 2021
Slapping Is Just Unreal Fix
by: Anonymous

I Slapped the Piagerro NP31 Real Good and the Non Playing Keys Back! Freaky Fix! Thanks

Aug 22, 2021
Yamaha Keyboard problems
by: Anonymous

Yamaha has an excellent customer support service.If you email them they get back with solutions.

If the keys are not working, turning the keyboard and slapping works.

Aug 22, 2021
by: HATU

Brilliant. My P105 is now called "The Slapper," thanks to this advice. I was anticipating hours of screwing around, and it turned out to be less than 5 minutes. Whew. Thanks.

Aug 16, 2021
a slap on the back for whoever figured out this cure.
by: T Leighton

Several keys were not working. I was ready to take the machine apart when I read the slap on the back solution. May all our problems be solved so simply in a NO tech way! Thanks

Aug 08, 2021
Slap on the back worked for PSS-280
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the advice. Couple of firm slaps on the underside helped with non-working keys on PSS-280.

Aug 07, 2021
Keyboard notes stopped working
by: Harvey

Just a quick thanks to all those who posted fix for sudden note failure on Yamaha keyboard . I don’t play but the Mrs was like an angry hornet banging on that it was the cleaner who clucked it with cleaning fluid . She owes cleaner big apology
Fix worked a treat by turning upside down and giving it a few taps. Brilliant

Jun 18, 2021
My metronome time signature has no sound although it is working and can see that on the screen. Have turned it upside down, slapped it but still no audio sound. Any recommendations?
by: Anonymous

My metronome time signature has no sound although it is working and can see that on the screen. Have turned it upside down, slapped it but still no audio sound. Any recommendations?

Feb 20, 2021
Yamaha psr s975
by: Amanuel

Hi, I have a Yamaha per s 975 one of the G keys is not working any advice?

Feb 17, 2021
P105 C Sharp and G - Octave Not Working
by: Kalyntt

Good News. C sharp and G notes on Octave 7 and 8 was not working until i upside down the piano. Then i have open again, then it has started to work. İnteresting but i am happy.

Jan 31, 2021
water when inside my keyboard
by: Anonymous

how to fix my keyboard when water entered inside and keys did not work. please help me my keyboard version is yamaha psr-i455

Jan 28, 2021
P35 keys stopped workong
by: Garrett Crowley

Yamaha P35. Some keys stopped working.
Turned it upside down and gave it a few ge tle slaps as pee above advice.


Jan 06, 2021
OMG, slapping works!
by: Anonymous

All my A keys stopped working, I googled and got this page as my second result...and the double slap on the underside worked!!

Jan 03, 2021
it worked for me too
by: Tonio

all the C#s and Gs on my keyboard were not working. I did the slap thing and it worked fine again. Thanks guys

Dec 06, 2020
Another alternative fix ?
by: Anonymous

If it helps anyone. I had a dead key on my Yamaha keyboard E363. After slapping which did not work I grabbed the failed black key at its fulcrum point and pulled it gently upwards whilst giving it a wiggle and it started working ok.

Dec 06, 2020
Slaps worked!
by: Anonymous

Like magic. Two slaps and all my G's were back. Thank you!

Dec 01, 2020
Slapping worked for me too
by: Anonymous

P35 with bottom two Es and G sharps silent. Two slaps from below and they're working again - thank you!

Oct 26, 2020
I have a fixxxx!!
by: Robbi

Hey guys!! If you are like me and have been scrolling through here for hours trying to find an answer, please do not take apart your keyboard yet! None of my E keys were working in any active, here’s the fix! What you want to do, is turn your keyboard completely off and then this might sound weird, but slap the back of your keyboard twice, and if it doesn’t work do the same to the top by the controls. It should work well!! I have a pretty old Yamaha. It is a YPT-300 :) hope you can get it working!!

Oct 26, 2020
Faulty poliphony on near notes
by: Fabio

Hi, i have a P35 and noticed yesterday on all octaves, between each F and F# couple if I play one the other is irrensponsive.
Is seems not far from the issue discussed here altough played not in mutual match all of these notes work fine.
Scratching my head really.
Thanks for any help

Sep 13, 2020
Octave keys not working
by: Anonymous

Yamaha psr i500 d and Ab octave keys are stopped functioning suddenly. What should I do.. Pls suggest me

Sep 01, 2020
Slap Technique Failed????
by: Scott

My son and I have a P-125 had some liquid in it. After unscrewing the top and removing condensation with a paper towel, we attempted the slap technique and the c and f# keys still do not work properly...when we press these keys they play once and then takes a long time to fade out, preventing us from playing the key again. I would appreciate any advice!

Aug 31, 2020
fix bad keys
by: Anonymous

Hi all, I have had similar problems. To fix is easy enough if you have the confidence with a screw driver. Take off the top cover and use an alcohol wipe to clean the keybd contacts by lightly wiping them. reassemble and you should be good to go.

Aug 31, 2020
Yamaha P-105 keys not working
by: Anonymous

I have a yamaha p-105, two keys not working in two different octaves.. well, I followed the "slap tecnique" and... it works! Without moving the keyboard from its stand, I gave it some slaps on the bottom and... keys are working again. I was desperate, but just for two minutes :)

Aug 29, 2020
few keys stopped working PSR 275
by: Anonymous

I slapped my keyboard from the bottom and keys started working. Thank you for the quick solution.

Jun 15, 2020
Slapped the back
by: Anonymous

Had the f# and g not working all octaves. Slapped the back six times. They all work now.

Jun 15, 2020
Specific keys not working
by: Anonymous

In all the octaves my E and Bb keys are not working. Can someone help?

Apr 26, 2020
Keys not working
by: Anonymous

Hy i am having a problem with 4 lowest keys on my piano Yamaha p-150.. it's not giving sound when i open it.. i saw that 3 slot of diode is empty... can someone help me or giving me an advice... others function and keys are working good and normal. Thank you

Mar 29, 2020
I own a i500 yamaha keyboard
by: Anonymous

Hi.Frnds.can any one suggest to fix my keybaord problem.I have a 6 octave keyboard..(All octave ) The "C" keys & "F# keys are not playing note or not working .it works at times..Intially i tried all the keyboard settings in regard to "touch response" - soft or hard or fixed..I thought might be bcoz of the adaptor.but i do use the branded one..can anyone suggest me to overcome this issue before i make my mind to call the concern for service or repair.Thanks ..waiting for the answers..

Feb 22, 2020
PSR-48 Repair Help
by: Anonymous

I opened up my keyboard before reading about the slapping solution. Since I already opened the keyboard up, the only problem I have is taking the keys out, so I can clean the dust from underneath. It seems I have to slide something out, but it's very difficult to do so. If anyone has repaired a PSR-48 before, can you tell me what I have to look for or what I have to do, in order to remove the keys.
Note: I've unscrewed the entire keyboard (At least, all that I could find).

Feb 16, 2020
Yamaha key not wanting
by: Anonymous

I reluctantly followed the"slap the back" advice. It worked!! I was ready to take the top off to clean the contacts. The slapping saved me a lot of work and time

Feb 02, 2020
by: Anonymous

I have a P35, and read this forum and slapped the back of it a few times. It now works! I can't believe it!

Oct 05, 2019
My PSR 433 C and G not working in all octives
by: Anonymous

MY psr 433 key C and G not working in all octive I have tried to clean all the filthy dust in the piano with new contacts replaced but the C and G key won't respond respectively. Please can someone please help me out

Oct 05, 2019
My PSR 433 C and G not working in all octives
by: Anonymous

MY psr 433 key C and G not working in all octive I have tried to clean all the filthy dust in the piano with new contacts replaced but the C and G key won't respond respectively. Please can someone please help me out

Sep 20, 2019
Help with slapping!?!
by: ASquared

My niece and nephew were banging on my digital piano p-series and now Pattern of keys aren’t working
Lowest G A B C
F B (2 above middle C)
F B (3 above middle C)
F B (4 above middle C)
Support suggested
Please try this factory reset.
Press and hold down the rightmost white key while turning ON the keyboard. Once the power is ON, release the rightmost key. The keyboard will reinitialize to the original factory settings.
Did not work
My digital piano is on a stand
I’ve slappes it from the top and bottom
Keys still not working
Why is it a pattern of keys and not just a random one??
Please help!

May 14, 2019
E notes of lower octave not working
by: Praveen Prathap

I read an advice in this page to give few slaps at the back of the keyboard. I really wondered.😲😲

Those dead keys worked!!

Thank you so much for sharing such great ideas. If not I was going to transport to the service centre 140km far!!
Thank you dear brothers.......

May 05, 2019
Permanently fixing the button without hitting again and again???
by: Anonymous

I use yamaha psr443.. My dual fuction button and and number 4 fuction key doesn't work at the same time... But after hitting the keyboards buttons actually starts to work... But it doesn’t fox the buttons permanentl... Each time i turn on my keyboard again both buttons stops working again then i need to slap it again!!!! Is there any permanent solution for this problem because I dont want to hit my keyboard again and again??????? Please anybody help????

May 02, 2019
Back working.
by: Anonymous

Took another commenters advice and gave it a few slaps. Fixed it. Great job.

Apr 10, 2019
Clean contacts and finish with contact cleaner
by: Anonymous

Electrical contact cleaner and lube will remove dirt and oxidation and the residual lube restores conductivity. The length of time between the 2 contacts when the key is played determines the volume and attack. Very cheap method for "touch sensitive" keyboards. Works if all cantacts are working. It is not rocket science to dissassemble clean and reassemble but there are a LOT of screws and it is rather time consuming. You might just want to buy a new and better quality keyboard. You'll be glad you did.

Apr 08, 2019
Keys not working
by: Jai

E key and A# key not working in all octaves
Yahama i425

Mar 17, 2019
G key stopped working
by: Anonymous

All the G notes/keys stopped working on my PSR-530 (which I thought was weird that is was all octaves of that note). But I read this thread, gave the backside of the keyboard a few hardy spanks - and all are working again. Glad I found this site. Difficult to play most songs with no "G"!!

Mar 17, 2019
Keys fixed! Thanks
by: JohnL

I came here looking to see how to get three keys in a row that stopped working on my PSR-340. The suggestion to give it a good slap worked!

Nov 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

Bottom 2 octaves, F# and G# stop working. Top 3 octaves, A stops working. Turning it over and slapping it works sometimes, but very random and am afraid to damage the rest of the keyboard due to repeated slapping. Keyboard has been dissasembled and cleaned multiple multiple times and no such luck. Sometimes all keys will work fine, but back to being broken after about a day. Any ideas?

Nov 12, 2018
reset with +&-
by: Anonymous

As above middle G worked only intermittently, turned off, held down + & - keys for a few seconds, turned back on hey presto!!

Oct 07, 2018
Yamaha PSRE363 F# AND C
by: Jeoff

F# and C on my psre363 stopped working, on every single octave. They will play after a while and stop after a while. I had the same problem with Eb and A but I haven't had it for a few weeks now. I tried the slapping methods and hair dryer methods. Slapping didn't work and the hair dryer melted some keys together so I had to swap them with another keyboard I had laying around. Any other methods before I open up or replace my keyboard?

Sep 28, 2018
My keys stopped working
by: Anonymous

So I just Plugged in the cord for PSR-E353 and I automatically started to play a song I knew from memory. When I noticed my high E wasn't playing until like 10 seconds after I pressed it. I tried to play all my E's and none of them played.
Please help me!

Sep 16, 2018
slap dat abs
by: keyginner

DGX-205 upper E's quit. Slap the back twice and right back working.

Aug 27, 2018
B# key isn't working on my PSR 320
by: DYW14

The only single b# key isn't working on my PSR 320.
I tried to opened it a few times but couldn't open the part that holds the keys (which says ABS on the black part) and rubber parts together with a lack of tabs on the back to open it to clean the b# key out. Any suggestions of how I can open the
black ABS part so I can play my old keyboard again?

Aug 21, 2018
Give it a Stockton Slap or two!
by: Tom Drake


Yep, single low end B key not working (or working intermittently) flipped it upside down and gave it a few Stockton Slaps...

Working again now. No soft toy. Just my hand. Quite hard...

Aug 01, 2018
I can’t believe the slap worked!
by: island guy

I have a Yamaha P-105 weighted action keyboard. Playing it today I noticed a sudden sharp volume increase, followes by the bottom two G’s going dead. Living on a remote island, I felt screwed! No easy solutions, maybe even time for a new one.
Watched one tutorial showing how to open it up, remove keyboard sections etc. Then I saw this thread of folks solving the problem with some shaking and slapping! Worked like a charm! Thanks eveyone!

Jul 25, 2018
Keys stopped working
by: Anonymous

5 keys had stopped working on my keyboard, so I flipped it gave it a few slaps and hey presto it's working again!

Jul 18, 2018
Slap it
by: Anonymous

I flipped it and slapped my ypg-235 and voila! 🙏🏼

Jul 06, 2018
The old fashioned slap worked!
by: Don

Most of the e's on my Yamaha keyboard stopped working or would work intermittently. I unplugged it, turned it over and slapped the back cover several times, shaking the keyboard vigorously at the same time. The e's started back working. Hallelujah!

Jun 28, 2018
Psr s550
by: Anonymous

My keyboard psr s550 in which middle C is working intermediately .....
How is to fix it ?
What is the reason

Jun 24, 2018
keys not working in each octave
by: mahima purohit

the D and the G# keys are not working in any octave.. sometimes with a slight touch it works else it doesn't..!!!

Apr 16, 2018
Keys Not working in every octet
by: Anonymous

I came back from a party and now i see that 'e' and 'A#' keys in all octets are not working... I have a Yamaha I425. If anyone has a fix, lemme know

Mar 10, 2018
Really Worked
by: CrAz ONE

I honestly thought yall was trying to get me to break my ish i tried softly. With a small toy didnt work tried very hard with a lighter to get a more precise hit and all 4 keys are Back with one hit thanks my musical brethren so glad i didnt have to take this baby apart like those one guys that commented such detailed instructions

Mar 09, 2018
It worked!
by: HappyHappy JoyJoy

My PSR-630 had keys not working. Read a comment as to slight rapping on the unit with a kids toy (presumably a soft toy). Gave the 630 a few Bodda Bings and Eureka! Didn't have play Yama DR. and don't have to shop for a keyboard . Thank you Y-K-G and thank you awesome parent.

Dec 28, 2017
PSR1455 model
by: Granny Lettie

All C c# stopped working for days!
I read this thread and just pressed on C key hard and continuously for 1 minute.
All keys working perfectly immediately!

Thank you so much!!!

Sep 11, 2017


Aug 20, 2017
PSR 520 rubber membrane replacement
by: Walter

I cleaned the contract strip on my PSR 520 but see that the orange rubber membrane for the contact of the low E is worn and broken -- specifically, the ring around the "nipple" for that low E key. The key played again for a while but I guess the nipple (with the contact for the contract strip) got squished out of alignment again. So now the E is dead again. I would like to buy a new membrane strip but don't see parts for the 520. Does anyone know if the rubber membranes for other models of the PSR would fit in the 520. Maybe the models just before or after the 520?

Jul 03, 2017
PSR 240
by: Anonymous

G and F#note stopped working in every ocative. What to do now????

May 14, 2017
Just hit it! Hard!
by: Champ

We have a PSR-275 and last week it stopped playing every G key.
Today we found this thread and it mentioned rapping on it. So we took one of the kids large dragon toys and just wailed on it a few times. Now it works just fine. Problem solved. Thanks!

Jan 31, 2017
Dead keys same all octaves
by: Anonymous

The b flat and e keys stop playing then they play sometimes I have to rap it on top but it always comes back or it won't work then I bring it Some and it work s

Jun 07, 2015
Yamaha PSR-275
by: Larry F

Hi all,
I was given one of these keyboards for my 9yo Daughter. It had a few keys that did not work.
I am an electronics tech and the first thing I did was remove the rubber keypad membrane and give the little "black" buttons attached to the rubber membrane a firm quick rub with a cloth with alcohol(or methylated spirits will do). I also wiped over the PCB contacts gently with the alcohol and cloth. allow a few minutes to dry and reassemble taking care to carefully lay the rubber membrane back into position correctly. Make sure all the membrane sits flat(very important). Use this opportunity to clean out dust and fluff from the area. These type of rubber black buttons are found in TV remotes, cordless phones etc and the remedy is the same. The rubber is impregnated with a conductive material, but after time the rubber deteriorates and the conductive material is no longer effective. Giving the button a rub with a cloth and alcohol rubs away the perished rubber and exposes fresh conductive material. Problem solved.

Larry F, Townsville Australia

Dec 06, 2014
easy to fix
by: Anonymous

I also have a 275 keyboard. didn't use it for a while; more than 6 months. 5 keys stopped working. Removed all screws on the bottom including the2 long ones in the battery compartment, really lifted up on the white plastic tabs on the battery wire, disconnected that wire, lifted up on the white tabs that attach the keyboard to the processor, situated those 2 flat cables (be careful not to bend the tips of the wires), then there are 2 contact boards under the keys. Don't have to remove any more screws at this point. There are large black clips and small black clips holding the board in place. I only had 1 go out, it was the upper register. Gently push in on the small black plastic clips starting at the outside and move in while gently lifting up on the board. It will easily come out. Be careful with it. I used a Qtip and acetone free mail polish remover and cleaned all the little rubber contacts and also the black pads on the board. I took the wires off the board before I took it out btw. Assembly is the opposite of above. Very simple. Only need a Phillips screw driver to perform this. All keys worked perfect afterwards. Good

Jul 15, 2014
how to fix my key
by: Anonymous

Hi I have a yamaha keyboard which has some keys not working. Some times it makes sound and sometime's it dead so if u knw any solution to this pleas do advise

Feb 28, 2012
key sound issues
by: Anonymous

first thing i would try is a reset of your keyboard, turn off, push + - and turn back on..it solve my problem..

Feb 20, 2012
Fixed this same problem for myself
by: Sully

I had this same issue with all of my F# and G keys. I was able to fix it pretty easily. I unscrewed all of the screws on the bottom (don't forget the two inside the battery compartment). The case opens easily and then you can disconnect the cable that connects the battery compartment to the main board (this just lets you operate a little bit easier).

I then cleaned a lot of white residue off the piece where the key presses against the belt - I was shocked at how much build-up there was in there. I used a screwdriver wrapped in a soft cloth to wipe each key down then blew the whole thing out with compressed air. After doing this, the keys all started working again. Hope this helps!

Jul 13, 2010
Yamaha PSR 275 Keys
by: Alfred

Dear Stuart: I own a PSR 273 which is the same as your PSR 275. Apart from that, I believe your unit has deteriorating rubber underlay pads, and would recommend you contact.....................
Puretech Solutions, UK ? (Yamaha-approved Tech. Svce. www.puretechsolutions.co.uk ..............

Have Model and Serial number at hand, and explain your problem. Hopefully they can help. If there is any charge(s)for any repair(s), it should be well worth the investment, so that you can continue enjoying your keyboard. Good luck.

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