Can't copy msic files from Yamaha DGX-305

by Peter Gross
(Tasmania, Australia)

Our church uses a Yamaha DGX-305 for all its worship music. We want to back up the 200+ songs from the Smart Media card to a PC. The Music Downloader ver 5.0 software willonly allow us to Move files between the keyboard and PC. The Copy option on the menu is greyed out. If we move the files across, copy on PC, then move them back the file order on the Smart Media card is scrambled. How can we get the Copy option to work? Is there upated software available that will fix this problem?

Many thanks, Peter Gross, Australia

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Apr 22, 2011
Smart Media Cards available
by: Mikko

Hi, try eBay. There are usually lot of Smart Media Cards available and at reasonable costs. I have bought several 128 Mbyte cards from

Dec 17, 2010
Copying Files from Smart Media
by: Ed Surrey BC

Hi Peter:

Just saw this. Has your question been answered?

FYI: I have a DGX-305. One PC has a built-in Smart Media card Reader, and the other has a USB Card Reader. When I need to transfer STYLE files from the SM Card...I simply read it via either car reader and transfer the styles on to the Main C Drive....Hope this works for you.
My problem: I cant find any 128 MB Smart Media Card in any stores!!...any suggestions?...I do have relatives in Aus....Perth/Adelaide/Brisbane, so picking problem.

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