Can songs/music be downloaded to the Yamaha EZ-200?

by mickey

By Mickey


I want to learn piano and after lots of reading I came to the conclusion that the Yamaha EZ-200 might be an OK investment for a first electronic keyboard.

Can the MIDI cables be used to download songs to the keyboard in order to learn to play them?

Someone asked a similar question but there was no definitive answer. I even downloaded the manual and read the MIDI section and I still don't know.

Thank you,


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Aug 15, 2010
I believe so...
by: Anonymous

I am looking to buy a EZ200 as well. I haven't done it myself but my research leads me to believe that it's possible. You will need a usb-midi cable and software to do the transfer the midi files to the keyboard (yamaha supplies a free one). Take a look at the MIDI sync section of this page:

Aug 03, 2010
good advice
by: mickey

Thank you fellas. That's what I like about this place. Good people, straight answers.

Ok, I already admitted I'm dumb... and yes, homely too. I figure if I learn to play keyboards really, really well I might have a chance with the chicks. Hope my wife doesn't find out!

I'll keep you folks appraised of what I do and how it's going after I get one keyboard or another.

And thanks again,


Aug 03, 2010
EZ 200
by: Alfred

Dear Mickey: Dear Mickey: Don't be so sure you're "at least good-looking". Dick Rector gave you straight-from-the-shoulder info, and he's probably better-looking than you! He’s my friend and his posts are usually on target.

In this Forum I don’t believe you’ll find any “scoffers” we try to keep it a friendly place.
Kidding aside, knowing the little I've gleaned about the EZ 200, it should serve you well, as you seem to be a determined individual, (I don’t know about not needing a MIDI Patch Cord. You just may need one to patch the keyboard to the PC).

As an aside, the only comment I can proffer is that there always lurks the possibility of your coveting an up-grade soon after you master an EZ 200. Do a little more research on other (slightly) more advanced Yamaha units before you take the plunge. Study in particular a Yamaha model with YES (Yamaha Educational Suite) features. This is a system they use to teach beginners. It has the ability of permitting separate (one hand at a time) lessons, so the beginner can learn to (separately) play Chords with the left hand first, if so desired, then Melody with the right. (or vice versa).

Other members besides Dick and me will be reading your post. I’m sure there have been two or more who own EZ 200 units. Go to the Home page of this Forum (see index to the left of this message) and punch in EZ 200.

I hope you can use the above to advantage, and encourage you to keep in touch with us. Keep well.

Aug 03, 2010
I guess you guys scoff at the EZ-200
by: mickey


I guess you guys scoff at the EZ-200 because it is a "lighted key" keyboard but I'm convinced that I will learn quicker with it than without it.

Yes, I'm a simpleton... but at least I'm good looking.

Anyway, please, any of you folks who at least have heard one of these or maybe played one please allow me to benefit one way or another from your input and comments.

Thank you,


Aug 03, 2010
Midi transfer
by: Dick Rector

Hi Mick,

I'm not familiar with your keyboard but it is a fairly new model (released 2007) and it must have a USB connection or something.
You can download midi's and songs onto a flash-drive in your computer and put it in the keyboard. Your manual will tell you how to 'call them up'.
You don't need the hassle with midi-cables and settings.


Aug 02, 2010
... Any reviews of the EZ-200 around?
by: mickey

I really like this forum. Nice people.

Does anyone here own an EZ-200 or perhaps owned one in the past?

If so I was wondering how you liked it adn what the sound quality is like and so on.



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