c major key gone bad

by Pallavi
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)

i own psr550 since 2000, its working abso fine with no complaints whatsoever till now. only recently 1 key C major before middle C has gone bad. it is lowered in alignment with other keys. it doesnt play when pressed. also, sometimes it remains pressed down and suddenly pops up playing its sound involuntarily. is there a need to change entire octave or just that key can e repaired. doest it need to be sent to service station, how can they guarantee no damages to my keyboard while repairing

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Aug 16, 2015
Same Key is failing
by: Andy

Hi Dude,
Like to play Yamaha psr-550 too, I have gone over to the Y-E4O3. I play ALOT on that C note, I bounce off of it constantly, Its likely a problem with physical wear. Like a beat switch. Mine ain't sagging (lower down like a crooked tooth), but it is not loud enough, missing and off timing (sounds late) lately. I have been playing very fast and furious too. Pitch OK. Check some u-tubes to open case and fix or play other keys until you get a new piano. Ebay has some good PSR's.

Jul 19, 2012
No function key is working
by: Roshan Sam

Plz guide me for repairing my keyboard Yamaha PSR 550, near Nagpur, Maharashtra.
I want to change the carbon pad of the function keys.

Mar 08, 2012
PSR 550 Key repair
by: Alun in the Treehouse

The PSR 550 has a silicon rubber membrane that is placed under a group of keys. It provided the b=rebound of the key and it also has carbon pads impregnated on to it.

The pads contact with the carbon contacts on the circuit board. The popular keys eventually loose the carbon which wears off.

I would recommend chnaging all membranes and the circuit boards for the keays which will give your 550 a new lease of life.

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