beat changes sometimes changes when headphone out connected to amp

by mel

My 14 year old son has a PSR E313 which on which he has produced some lovely music, however on occasions he sets up a beat to accompany a song and when the headphone out is connected to an external amp the beat is caused to change in both tempo and tone, but this does not always happen.

Sometimes unplugging the amp and replugging fixes the issue however ironically the problem never seems to occur at home where he plugs into his Kustom amp, only when he is playing live at a venue! The prob occurs whether the kb is using mains or battery power.


Mel Lattimer

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Apr 20, 2010
Thanks Guys
by: Mel

I will follow up your advice.

The problem has occurred at two different venues but strangely all was OK at the second venue in rehearsal but the problem only occurred during the live set.

Apr 18, 2010
beat changes
by: Dick Rector

Hello Mel,

A strange problem indeed!
Alfred is right with his advise and my first (and only) thought is the same, the external amp must give one of the other 'peak' impulse 'out' trough it's 'line in' (it shouldn't) and triggers the keyboard to do what it does but how that is possible... I don't have a clue. I take it the keyboard is normally connected to a clean 'line in' on that amp and NO other instrument or so shares the same input or is connected to the keyboard.
I don't think it is the power from the 'net' because you said it does the same when operating from batteries.
You did not mentioned if the venue is always in the same place and with the use of the same amp. If that is a 'yes' answer, I think you should try to change the amp or at least try it with another amp connected and see if that changes to normal. If it is at various places and different amplifiers than it really puzzles me.

I hope this helps a bit and please come back to this forum, I really would like to know what is was.


Apr 18, 2010
Beat Problem PSR E 313
by: Alfred

Dear Mel: May I suggest you contact and explain the problem to

Puretech Solutions, UK ? (Yamaha-approved Tech. Svce.

When making contact, have Model and Serial number at hand. They should be able to help. Based on your post, I would strongly suspect the external amp. used when your son is performing away from home. Thanks for visiting this Forum. Come back anytime, and best of luck.

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