Arranger Workstation ( like a Yamaha psr s550 ) or a synthesizer ( like a mm6 ) ?

by Mitul


I am a learner and am looking to buy a good keyboard to start with and to take to the level of doing a gig alone.

What would be the best option to buy?

A workstation (mm6) or a arranger(psr s550) ???

Please do let me know at the earliest.

Comments for Arranger Workstation ( like a Yamaha psr s550 ) or a synthesizer ( like a mm6 ) ?

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May 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hi Dick,

Thanks for the suggestion... :)

i was planning to start off with this and then go ahead with something more cheeky... :)

but got confused between a synth and an arranger..

wat say? an arranger should do well wudn't it.. :)


May 21, 2010
what to buy
by: Dick Rector

Hi Mitul,

Al depending on your budget, but if you are planning to do gigs I would go as high as possible.
A S550 is a great keyboard but 'arranging' on it is to my taste a bit medium level. It is a bit limited in possibilities.
I would look for the 700 or 900 series. Much more keyboard and great sounds!! But yes more money!!!!


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