A believer - Yamaha Clavinova CVP 107 Fixed

A yamaha Clavinova CVP 107

A yamaha Clavinova CVP 107

Our american church has a Yamaha Piano (Clavinova CVP 107) which was broken one month ago. The symptom was that that piano was automatically shut down after running a while (10 to 30 mins). Only the background light was on when push power button. After blowing its inside up with compressed air, it once started correctly and then totally shut down ever.

Some brothers from the Chinese Word Ministries (CWM) offered to fix it by themselves.

When opening the cover, it was found the problem could be easily repeated by toggling AC power cable connector. But from PCB board surface itself, it is hard to tell there is a crack or something wrong (under dim light). Anyway we decide to re-solder the connector pins (and fuse holder feet too).

The problem is gone after re-soldering those pins ever since.

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Nov 06, 2014
stereo sound
by: Oscar

I have a CVP 107 but the stereo sound is off. I tried to follow the instructions on page 47 of the manual, but nothing happens. The I tried the factory settings by holding the highest key on the right side while turning it ON. I got not stereo sound. What am I doing?

Aug 26, 2014
Thanks for submitting.
by: Mantius

Thanks for such a beautiful story of something going right. This is good news! It's nice to read about a problem that was solved. All the best with your Clavinova CVP 107.

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